Friday, September 17, 2010

Looking For An Engagement Ring? Here's What You Need To Know

Because most average guys don't regularly shop for a diamond, looking for an engagement ring can be a little overwhelming! When you are planning to propose, you hope she will say yes', the moment she just looks at the diamond. Naturally, you don't really wish to drain your whole bank account.
So how do you start?
Don't despair, worrying that you can't possibly come across something to really wow her, and still pay the utilities in the upcoming months. Yes, diamond rings are expensive, but there is a way to find a decent one without going all out financially.
You very much hope to become engaged to her. You want to impress her. You absolutely hope to give a diamond her friends will go green with envy over.
Many folks right away believe they should solely focus on how large the diamond is. For most men, they think the bigger stone is always better.
But seriously, that simply isn't a fact. If you focus on size only and compromise on other facets of its quality ranking, you could end up buying a drab, lifeless stone that looks cheap.
Diamonds are graded in four categories: carat (size), clarity, cut and color. Remembering the proper balance of those 4 big gradings will help you buy a great stone at within your means.
If you just choose a diamond because it's big, or costs less than the others, there's a serious chance that you'll be settled with a rock of lesser quality for too much money. Keep in mind, this will be her one-time-only diamond engagement ring, and for you it's the one shot at getting her to accept your proposal!
Don't forget, though, it isn't an absolute requirement to spend your complete funds on the the biggest and brightest diamond available. Buying a grade or two below absolute perfection should still yield you a very nice diamond. Without permanent debt.
The primary quality component you truly ought not to sacrifice is how well the diamond is cut. How well a diamond is cut greatly influences the amount of light rays it will reflect and therefore, how sparkly it will be. How much sparkle you can see has a lot to do with how the ring looks and a properly cut stone is certain to put a big smile on her face.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Real Reasons For Domestic Violence

To effectively fight domestic violence one must know the causes of domestic violence. And the first step toward knowing that is knowing what they are not.
It is not love, beauty, romance or sexuality. The sexless Puritans are highly violent toward their wives; the unattractive women are just as subject to violence as the attractive ones; and in cultures, such as India and Middle East, that have forbidden romantic love and where marriages are arranged, the violence is worse.
It is not low self-esteem. There are plenty of self-confident football types who are brutal toward their wives and plenty of shy guys who aren't.
It is not personality disorders. Not only are there many cultures in the world where violence against wives is the social norm, but there are in fact cultures in the world that think there's something wrong with the man if he is not violent toward his wife.
It is not thinking oneself a victim. There are plenty of take-charge business and military types who are severely violent toward their wives.
So what are the causes of domestic violence? The best way to ascertain that is to look at cultures in which it is the norm and compare them to cultures in which it isn't. And again and again, the answer is this: The beliefs that encourage domestic violence.
Beliefs such as:
That women are evil;
That man must be head of the family;
That masculinity means controlling the woman;
That women are "sluts," "bitches" or "whores";
That women are exploiters of men;
That women are responsible for the world's suffering;
That women should be second-class citizens and put up and shut up.

Unlike what many in psychology believe, the way one treats the other person is based, not on what one thinks about oneself, but of what one thinks about the other person. So if one has good self-esteem and thinks well about oneself but thinks badly about the other person, then one would not be good to the other person, and no amount of raising one's own self-esteem will alter that. Men's treatment of women is a result, not of what they believe about themselves, but of what they believe about women - either women in general, or about the particular woman with which they share their lives.
Furthermore, unlike what many in psychology believe, it is people's conscious convictions that determine a vast chunk of their decisions. Looking historically we see the vast extent to which people's conscious convictions charted the course of history. And now, as ugly misogynistic beliefs have become more and more prevalent, surprise surprise - we are seeing a vast rise in violence against women, even though we have not seen noticeable changes in men's self-esteem or in the number of people with personality disorders.
And it is only by addressing and changing these ugly beliefs that actually do cause domestic violence, instead of wasting everyone's time on things that don't, that it will finally become possible to do something effective about domestic violence.

Monday, September 6, 2010

One Crucial Aspect in Strengthening a Relationship

One particular Essential Aspect in Strengthening a Romantic relationship
One way to fortify a relationship is through positive conversation between the lovers. It's common knowledge that communication is a essential element in obtaining a lengthy, pleased and prosperous relationship. Current scientific studies additional explore conversation between partners and discovered that the happiest partners are individuals who} exercise the habit of responding favorably to their partner's achievement.
The cause this habit is so efficient in strengthening the bond between couples is because good reaction does not only boost the ego but additionally validates the person's efforts in reaching success. In a relationship, it is really essential to speak concerning and show that one is pleased about his or her partner's good results. This can remove any notion of threat, jealousy and indifference.  Furthermore, research shows that partners who don't often show joy on their lover's successes become dissatisfied with the relationship and likely to call it off in the long run.
Romantic relationships are essential not just because of the need to be dependent on someone but also because it is important for individuals to have somebody to reveal their success with.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with staying single but time will certainly come that individuals really feel the must to discover a companion that they'll love and cherish. Love can be simply around the corner and it is only a matter of taking the very first step. In a London dating circumstance, one has much more opportunity of finding a suitable partner. The world will not lead you to the correct individual if you don't fulfill your end of the bargain, that is to take that first action in discovering the One.

To Walk In Honor And Wisdom Shows Respect

The spoken word came before the written word and it's an effective method for teaching. A toddler will learn quickly to respond to your spoken words. They also learn to respond to a smile. They are sometimes frighten by a Halloween character. They understand communication based on our ability to teach them. Some learn so well that they become social butterfly's.
We must teach them as they grow to respond to good. We don't have to teach evil because it's a natural learned habit. Instead, we as parents must correct or point out bad behavior. To walk in wisdom is an honor and most of the time we walk unaware. If you lack wisdom, let him ask. It's a guideline, a requirement and it's so important that it's coupled with understanding.
There is a promise associated with honor your mother and father so that you may live the good or long life. Disobedience can hinder progress. The weight is on your shoulders and not your parents even if they never deserved your respect. It's important that we learn how to replenish each family member's emotional bank account. If we don't, their emotional account may be forced into overload. This could cause and lead to all sorts of family emotional behavior.
I'm not perfect and I don't always get it right, but to walk in wisdom and with honor for parents spells respect. We must be humble and patient and sometimes it's alone when wisdom is upon us. I'm not certain that age is your only chance, but I am certain that in speaking the word, I'm sometimes puzzled as to who has spoken.

Reasons For Cheating

Men seek variety.
Men will always be men. They would always seek thrills and adventures. Ironically, the culprit for man's cheating are the wives themselves. At the early stage of the relationship, women are very conscious of their looks. Sexy outfits, radiant skin, fit and slim figure, colored locks and so on. Some are too vain that they undergo plastic surgery to enhance their appearance.
However, after marriage, all vanity and the desire to stay beautiful just vanished. Wives grew big like a huge balloon ready to burst at the slightest prick of a needle. Even the drive for sexual intimacy has dwindled. This leads husbands to become bored in the relationship and look for something to spice up their lives.
Usual statements of men under this category are "She has neglected herself ", "She has lost desire in sex", or simply, "I just got bored. Nothing seems to be exciting in this relationship."
You can avoid situation like this if you will take care of yourself and maintain your looks. The more you age and the more the relationships deepens, the more you should take care of yourself.
When Opportunity Knocks, Man Welcomes
You think that all men are cheaters? Well, not exactly. Some men are committed in living a free-guilt marriage. No third-parties, no flings. But when opportunity knocks, man loses his control and eventually gives in.
This commonly happens when he is alone on a trip or is just drinking the night away in a bar and he happens to meet a sweet blond girl ready to strip him off. You think he can resist it? The common lines here are "I don't know how it happened", "I was alone and she just came out from nowhere", " We were too drunk we didn't know what was happening".

The Key to Creating a Healthy Relationship

Doesn't everyone want the love they have dreamed of? Don't we all wish deep within us to find that fairy tale romance we have watched so many times on television or in the movies?
In order to create a healthy relationship is to love and accept who you are. When you can love and accept yourself then you are poised to fully enjoy a healthy and balanced love life or relationship. Thriving in a relationship with this in mind brings out the best in each other and you may be content to exist in a world of your own creation.
It all begins with self. It is of utmost importance to find yourself and know who you are first. Accept only the characteristics that are important to you, and don't settle for anything less. Start by analyzing what it is you like and want for yourself and then do not make any exceptions. We have become a society of insecurities. When we are insecure we attract others who are also insecure.
Male insecurities come out as over empowering egos and control. When anyone has to convince you how great they are, then obviously, they are not convinced themselves. Too many women relate to those men as "bad boys" when in all actuality they are extremely insecure individuals. They prey on insecure woman. The sad part is that the fine men in this world get unnoticed or ignored because they are considered "too nice". I will admit that I used to be one of those girls. I used to think that "nice" men were boring. They were uncomfortable to be around and why? Because I never felt comfortable with myself!
It all boils down to being insecure or feeling no self-worth. It's time to stop worrying about what others think. It's time to take a step in the right direction. Change the voice in your head that he or she doesn't like you because of your hair, makeup, clothes, looks, personality, etc. This is the time to love and accept yourself for who you are. If someone doesn't like you for whatever reason, so what! It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. It only means that you are not meant to be together.
Relationships should flow. The old song about "opposites attract" is a fallacy. Sure it is okay to be opposite about some things but all in all, commonalities are easier and the energy flows better between you.
The other important issue here is hoping your partner will change. Love is unconditional. If you cannot accept the person you are with, than move on. If you expect your love interest to change, you are looking for heartache. No one has to change because everyone is special in their own unique way. There is someone for everyone.
When entering into a relationship know who you are and what is important to you. Write a list for yourself and then interview each person you meet. If they follow your list 90% then accept another date. If there are a lot of differences right off the bat then move on. To interview your date all you have to do is ask questions based on your list. Make it a game for yourself. Bring your questions into your conversation. For example, if you are a person who doesn't like to stay out late at night then say, "are you an early riser or do like to sleep in late"? That is what I call a qualifying question. Even though we like to make good first impressions, you are looking for what is best for yourself! You are important and deserve the best and accept nothing less. In the meantime let go of expectations and use dating as an adventure and information gathering session. This way you will find new qualities that you value to add to your list.
Remember to love and accept yourself and know that if it doesn't work out it's not meant to be. If you find someone you think is compatible to you, make sure neither of you relies too much on the other for self worth nor support, as this can become an unwanted burden. With the right attitude and information you can create whatever you want so start creating! You never know, it could even be that nice guy you have ignored.