Saturday, July 10, 2010

How to Fix Your Marriage Quickly - Even If the Situation Looks Hopeless

Most young couples fail to realize that marriage involves a lot of hard work and commitment by the two parties that is involved. They always believe that it is like the bed stories that their parents use to read to them when they are young and as such they fail to come to terms with realities of life on time till things begins to go out of hands.

The truth is this single reason of being aware of what marriage really involves has broken so many homes and as such many are looking for a way to fix their marriage. They are looking for how they can put things back the way it used to be and be happy again before their marriage hits the rock.

The purpose of this article is to show you what you can do to improve the situation no matter how hopeless it may look like. There is no beating about the bush, many hopes are being put together every day and many divorce couples are coming back together every day.

One of the best ways to solve the situation is by prayers. I know this may sound awkward especially if you do not believe in prayers or you have stopped praying for a while but believe me miracles still happen today through the power of prayers.

God still hears and answers us when we pray to him to help us solve our problems, especially the ones that seems too difficult to handle by ourselves. Just ensure you have a particular time of the day that you pray to God about the situation, preferably in the morning or in the middle of the night when everybody is asleep. I have seen so many hopeless situations change by asking God for help in the areas of my life that are beyond my power.

After praying to God about the situation, you will notice an usual burden being lifted and the wisdom of God will take charge of your affairs. You will know what to do and what to say to your partner to save the situation. The next thing to do is to create time a lone to be with your spouse so that you can communicate effectively and make the necessary adjustments where you need to make them. Preferably take your spouse out for the weekend where your kids will not be a disturbance.


  1. Hi Isiguzo! I just read your blogs. You have some excellent and healthy advice for attracting a mate. The worst is when people try too hard. Fun blog for those seeking love!

  2. Hello Isiguzo! I was reading your post and there was this smile on my face.I have also a site on marriage journey and we have the same outlook on love relationship.You are still young but I could say you are that mature enough on the views of entering into a relationship! Good work Isiguzo!Continue to inspire people also through article writing!I am also on hope to hear from you soon - Sie


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